
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

M. Kozek, N. Jovanovic:
"Efficient Modelling of Propofol Pharmacokinetics: A Novel 2-Compartment Model";
Talk: 3rd Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Biology, Medicine and Biomedical Engineering, Balamand, Lebanon; 2003-05-28 - 2003-05-30; in: "Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Biology, Medicine and Biomedical Engineering", (2003), 6 pages.

English abstract:
For the prediction of effect-site concentrations of Propofol a
pharmacokinetic compartment model is widely used. For the purpose
of parameter estimation a very compact but accurate alternative to
a 4th-order reference model is sought for. Starting with reference
models from literature, model reduction techniques and linear
transformations are utilized in order to reduce the number of
parameters and the complexity of the model. The performance of the
resulting 2nd-order model is compared to the original models and
shows high accuracy combined with a simple structure while a
physiological meaning is still existent. The proposed method is
very general and can be readily applied to linear pharmacokinetics
of other drugs.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.