
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

N. Herzig, F. Bleicher, F. Puschitz, C. Dorn et al.:
"Collective Research for High Performance Manufacturing";
Vortrag: 15th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck; 03.03.2008 - 07.03.2008; in: "15th International Working Seminar on Production Economic", (2008), S. 163 - 172.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Central European manufacturing companies, especially small and medium sized enterprises (SME), are virtually unable to compete with low-price production from Eastern-Europe or Asia. The most pressure comes from manufacturers of relatively simple parts in low cost countries. Therefore, these SMEs need to focus on sophisticated high-tech parts and high-tech manufacturing technologies including machining of innovative materials.
Within this project, a transnational research team was formed containing partners from Germany, Austria and Slovenia. The project was funded by AiF, FFG and MHEST within cornet platform for pre-competitive collective research. A minimum of six SMEs from each of the three countries are organised in national user groups discussing demands for research, possible solutions, and progress of research activities. Hence, specialists on the scientific fields of material science, manufacturing processes, cutting tools and tool machines work together with SMEs in user groups to improve manufacturing processes and to enhance quality and tool life time and lead to High Performance Manufacturing (HPM). Based on basic and application specific investigations, an optimisation of machining processes, an increase of tool life time and quality of products and, hence, a reduction of costs shall be reached. One of the great advantages of this kind of research is that SMEs are directly included in research activities at the universities and results obtained during project work are directly transferable to SMEs in so called HPM pilot implementation projects.
Within this paper, a discussion of the project idea and the best way of practise are discussed. Exemplarily, the basic approach of the project is presented and the implementation of HPM pilot site implementations into SMEs is discussed.

Collective Research, High Performance Manufacturing

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