
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

K Schulmeister, M. Kozek, H. Jörgl:
"Modelling and analysis of a wire drawing machine";
Talk: 2008 International Simulation Multi-conference, Edinburgh, Scotland; 2008-06-16 - 2008-06-19; in: "2008 International Simulation Multi-conference", (2008), ISBN: 1-56555-320-9; 8 pages.

English abstract:
Content of this contribution is the simulation and analysis
of oscillations of an experimental setup. The purpose of this
setup is to performdieless drawing using a LASER source for
heating the wire. Strong oscillations during the drawing process
frequently cause wire breaks. So simulations and subsequent
analysis focuses on the localisation and explanation
of this oscillating behaviour. The estimated wire force, which
can be calculated from the bearing load signal, is analysed
utilising a spectral analysis. Based on this analysis it can
be concluded that several oscillations are superimposed on
the wire force. The calculation of the natural frequencies of
the mathematical model yields a good match with the measurements.
However, analysis of the individual modes shows
that certain frequencies are only weakly observable due to a
poor choice of the realised measurement position. By drawing
a Campbell-Diagramfrom the resonant peaks of the spectra,
it is found that there are frequencies which are independent
of the wire speed and some which are not. The independent
ones are the natural frequencies of the system. The
speed-dependent frequencies are excitations due to the meshing
of the gears. Suggestions to enable a failure-free operation,
like design changes of the setup and control concepts
for the damping of the wire oscillations are proposed.

state space, dieless drawing, force control, Campbell diagram

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.