Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):
C. Dayé, G. Dayé, G. Edelmayer, N. Gentile, H. Neveryd, P. Mayer, P. Panek, M. Rauhala:
"The FRR Project - Creating an Assistive Toilet";
Poster: 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Gerontology and Alzheimer Academy,
Bad Ischl;
- 2004-09-18; in: "Dementia - Concepts for the next Generation; Conference Program and Abstract Book",
Verein Morbus Alzheimer Syndrom (M.A.S),
- 29.
Online library catalogue of the TU Vienna:
Related Projects:
Project Head Wolfgang Zagler:
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.