
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

S. Sarwar, L. Wallentin, G. Franzl, H.R. van As:
"Segmentation-based Dropping of Composite Burst for Contention Resolution in Optical Burst Switched (OBS) Networks";
Talk: 13th European Conference on Networks & Optical Communications (NOC 2008), Krems, Austria; 07-01-2008 - 07-03-2008; in: "Proceedings of NOC2008", (2008), 330 - 337.

English abstract:
In optical burst-switched (OBS) networks, packets are aggregated into a burst that is
sent an offset time after the control packet. The process of aggregating high and low-
priority traffic into a single burst is known as composite burst assembly. High-priority
packets are placed at the head of the burst and low-priority packets at the tail of the
burst. In order to resolve contention, a void-filling-based scheduler drops low-priority
packets from the tail of a burst. In this paper, we propose that high-priority packets
should be placed in the middle of a burst and low-priority packets at the head and tail
ends of a burst. That allows dropping of low-priority packets from the head and the tail
of a burst when it contends with two other bursts where the head of the burst contends
with one burst and the tail contends with another. The simulation results show that high-
priority traffic faces reduced blocking at the cost of increased blocking of low-priority

Optical Burst Switching, Priority Scheduling, Burst Composition

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Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.