
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

C. Erath, S. Funken, D. Praetorius:
"Adaptive cell-centered finite volume method";
Talk: 5th International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Aussois; 2008-06-08 - 2008-06-13; in: "Finite Volumes for Complex Applications V", R. Eymard, J. Hérard (ed.); John Wiley & Sons, (2008), ISBN: 9781848210356; 359 - 366.

English abstract:
We propose an adaptive mesh-refining strategy for the cell-centered
FVM based on some a~posteriori error control for the quantity
$\norm{\nabla_\TT(u-\II u_h)}{L^2}$. Here, $u_h\in \PP^0(\TT)$
denotes the FVM approximation of $u$ and $\I$ is a certain
interpolation operator. As model example serves the Laplace equation
with mixed boundary conditions, where our contributions extend a
result of [Nicaise, SINUM 2005]. Moreover, this approach allows the
coupling of finite volume schemes with the boundary element method,
which is a new and fruitful combination of the FVM with ideas from
[Carstensen, Funken, COMPUTING 1999].

Electronic version of the publication:

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