
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A.M. Bogus, D. Bianchi, I. Gebeshuber:
"WEMESURF - Networking in a Marie Curie Research Training Network";
Poster: Marie Curie Conference, Barcelona/Spain; 17.07.2008; in: "Book of Abstract Marie Curie Conference", (2008), S. P253.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The main aspect of a Research Training Network is the networking between the several participants. In our WEMESURF Research Training Network (Characterisation of WEear MEchanisms and SURFace functionalities with regard to life time prediction and quality criteria - from micro to the nano range) this is demonstrated by sharing samples, equipment and knowledge between the organizations in charge, submitting joint publications and presenting results at national and international conferences, in this way also representing the network. Every three months group meetings take place to discuss obtained results, to plan future research and to check the growth of the single Early Stage Researchers. Active communication via an online forum created solely for the purpose of communication within the WEMESURF project and also videoconferences shall take place. Every Early Stage Researcher has the possibility to choose up to three organizations to visit in order to increase the transfer of knowledge.
In this work we show the problems with networking we have encountered in our Research Training Network so far and how we attempt to solve them on the run.

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