

G. Kickelbick:
"Polysiloxanes as Templates and Building Blocks in Nanostructured Materials";
in: "Inorganic Polymers", R. de Jaeger, M. Gleria (Hrg.); Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-60021-656-5, S. 163 - 189.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Polysiloxanes are, due to their many extraordinary physical and chemical properties, ideal building blocks for a variety of nanostructured materials. This review shows the application of polysiloxanes in the preparation of inorganic-organic nanocomposites using clays, sol-gel based structures, nanoparticles or nanotubes as the inorganic components. In many of these cases, the polysiloxane acts as the (elastomeric) matrix for the embedment of inorganic structural units. In addition, the formation of specific nanostructures such as micelles or tubular type structures based on the unique solubility of polysiloxanes or polysiloxane segments in block copolymers is reviewed. Another field, which is shortly introduced, is the emerging field of surface nanostructuring via soft lithography where polysiloxanes play a major role as stamps due to their hydrophobicity and their elastomer properties.

polysiloxanes, nanocomposites, sol-gel, nanoparticles, nanotubes, soft lithography

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