
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

I. Gebeshuber:
"Bacilli, green algae, diatoms and red blood cells - how biology inspires novel materials in nanoarchitectural applications";
Hauptvortrag: E-MRS 2008 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society, Invited talk, Warsaw University of Technology/PL (eingeladen); 18.09.2008; in: "Book of Abstracts, E-MRS 2008 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society", (2008), ISBN: 83-89585-23-5; S. 188.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Biogenic material with functional units in the micro- and nanometer regime has already inspired novel
micro- and nanotechnological applications [1].
Examples presented comprise
. scanning force spectroscopy investigations on UV-resistant bacterial spores, showing distinct
differences in indentation depth to UV-sensitive spores [2],
. highly efficient biogenic single photon detectors [3],
. natural micromechanical systems made of nanostructured silica [4],
. a novel method for rapid screening of diabetes in lab-on-a-chip applications, based on
nanodiagnostics on red blood cells performed with atomic force spectroscopic methods [5],
. the application of bioinspired nanotechnology in architecture and building industry.
The outlook and discussion will deal with the possible activation of architectural elements by
integration of sensing and actuation devices and nanotechnology in building technology (filters etc)
and bioinspired nanotechnology still in the research stage.
[1] Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Biotribology inspires new technologies", invited article, Nano Today
2(5), 30-37, doi:10.1016/S1748-0132(07)70141-X
[2] Hekele O., Goesselsberger C.G., Brandstetter M., Aumayr M., Sommer R. and Gebeshuber I.C.
"Atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy study of the sporulation of Bacillus subtilis", under
[3] Gruenberger C., Ritter R., Aumayr F., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Algal
biophysics: Euglena gracilis investigated by atomic force microscopy", Mat. Sci. Forum 555, 411-
[4] Gebeshuber I.C. and Crawford R.M. (2006) "Micromechanics in biogenic hydrated silica: hinges
and interlocking devices in diatoms", Proc. IMechE Part J: J. Eng. Tribol. 220(J8), 787-796
[5] Hekele O., Goesselsberger C.G. and Gebeshuber I.C. "Nanodiagnostics performed on human red
blood cells with the atomic force microscope", under review

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