

W. Rupp, A. Biedermann, B. Kamenik, R. Ritter, C. Klein, E. Platzgummer, M. Schmid, P. Varga:
"Ion-beam induced fcc-bcc transition in ultrathin Fe films for ferromagnetic patterning";
Applied Physics Letters, 93 (2008), S. 0631021 - 0631023.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Ar+ ion irradiation is used to induce a structural change from fcc to bcc in a 1.5 nm thick Fe film epitaxially grown on a Cu(100) crystal. Scanning tunneling microscopy and low-energy electron diffraction show the nucleation of bcc nanocrystals, which grow with increasing ion dose. As a consequence of the structural change, the irradiated iron film becomes strongly ferromagnetic at room temperature. We present a model for the process of the transformation and demonstrate writing a magnetic pattern at the 100 nm scale by ion-beam projection lithography.

Corresponding author: A. Biedermann. Reprints also available from M. Schmid

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