Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):
M. Villa, H. Böck, A. Musilek:
"Utilization of aTypical 250 kW TRIGA Mark II Reactor at a University";
Talk: Nuclear Society of Slovenia,
- 2007-09-13; in: "Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2007",
ISBN: 978-961-6207-28-7;
- 109.8.
English abstract:
The 250 kW TRIGA Mark-II reactor operates since March 1962 at the Atominstitut Vienna/Austria. Its main tasks are nuclear education and training in the fields of neutron- and solid state physics, nuclear technology, reactor safety, radiochemistry, radiation protection and dosimetry, and low temperature physics and fusion research. Academic research is carried out by students in the above mentioned fields coordinated and supervised by about 70 staff members with the aim of a masters- of PhD degree in one of the above mentioned areas. During the past 15 years about 580 students graduated through the Atominstitut. In addiation, the Atominstitut co-operates closely with the nearby located IAEA in research projects, coordinated research programs (CRP) and supplying expert services. Regular training courses are carried out for the IAEA for Safeguard Trainees, fellowship places are offered for scientists from developing countries and staff members carry out expert missions to research centres in Africa, Asia and South America. Special Nuclear Material (SNM) is stored for calibration purpose at the Atominstitut belonging to the IAEA.
Electronic version of the publication:
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.