

H. Böck, A. Musilek, M. Villa, F. Meyer:
"Spent fuel situation at the ASTRA Seibersdorf and the TRIGA Vienna Research Reactor";
in: "Return of Research Reactor Spent Fuel to the Country of Origin: Requirements for Technical and Administrative Preparations and National Experiences", ÎAEA, Wien, 2008, ISBN: 978-92-0-105508-8, S. 63 - 65.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In the past decades Austria operated three research reactors, the 10 MW ASTRA reactor at Seibersdorf, the 250 kW TRIGA reactor at the ATomic Institut Vienna and the 1 kW Argonaut reactor at the Technical University in Graz. Since the shut down on Juli 31st, 1999 and decommissioning of the ASTRA reactor and the shut down of the ARGONAUT reactor Graz on July 31, 2004 only the TRIGA reactor remains operational. The MTR fuel elements of the ASTRA reactor have been shipped in spring 2001 to Savannah River and the fuel plates from the ARGONAUT reactor Graz in December 2005 under the DOE fuel return programme.

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