
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

H. J. Böhm, D. H. Pahr, S. Nogales, M. B. Gándara:
"Comparison of Unit Cell and Windowing Methods for Obtaining Estimates on Macroscopic Elasticity Tensors of Inhomogeneous Materials";
Talk: EASEC-11: 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Taipei (invited); 11-19-2008 - 11-21-2008; in: "Proceedings of the 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction", Y.B. Yang, L.J. Leu, C.S. Chen, P.C. Su (ed.); National Taiwan University, (2008), ISBN: 978-986-80222-4-9; Paper ID B11_06, 5 pages.

English abstract:
Two methods for estimating the macroscopic elastic tensors of discrete inhomogeneous
microgeometries, periodic homogenization and "windowing", are compared. Periodic homogenization
can be used for any material symmetry but requires periodic volume elements, also known as
unit cells. Windowing does not pose periodicity requirements and, when using specific mixed uniform
boundary conditions, gives identical results to periodicity boundary conditions for orthotropy or higher
material symmetries. The present contribution studies the applicability of the latter approach to volume
elements that show some sub-orthotropic contributions to their macroscopic symmetry. For this
purpose both periodic homogenization and windowing are applied to unit cells that are aimed at describing
macroscopically isotropic particle reinforced composites but are known to have limited lowsymmetry
contributions to their macroscopic elastic behavior. Good agreement between the two Finite
Element based modeling approaches is found, indicating the applicability of the windowing approach
to volume elements that approach, but do not fulfill geometrical orthotropy

Related Projects:
Project Head Helmut J. Böhm:
Testen von Windowing-Verfahren mit PMU Randbedingungen

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.