

V. Paul-Boncour, A. Hoser, K. Hense, E. Gratz, M. Rotter, N. Stüsser:
"Magnetic phase diagram of Ho-Ag";
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20 (2008), S. 104225-1 - 104225-5.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The magnetic phase diagram of Ho-Ag has been established using magnetoresistance, magnetostriction and neutron diffraction experiments versus applied field and temperature. Three different magnetic phases were observed: an incommensurate antiferromagnetic phase (IC) below TN = 33 K, a commensurate antiferromagnetic phase (C) above 5 T and below T1 (5-8 K) and a ferromagnetic component above 3 T. The IC phase undergoes spin reorientations around 5 T (IC') and 13 T (IC").

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