

S. Pascarelli, M. Ruffoni, R. Sato Turtelli, F. Kubel, R. Grössinger:
"Local structure in magnetostrictive melt-spun Fe80Ga20 alloys";
Physical Review B, 77 (2008), 18; S. 184406-1 - 184406-8.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We perform a detailed investigation of the local atomic structure in highly magnetostrictive -FeGa meltspun
ribbons. By using extended x-ray absorption fine structure EXAFS analysis at the Fe and Ga K edges
coupled to x-ray diffraction XRD and to ab initio full multiple scattering calculations of the x-ray absorption
near edge structure XANES , we test for the presence of different local defect structures proposed in literature
as being responsible for the large magnetostriction in these alloys. XRD shows that the ribbons crystallize in
the A2 phase. Invisible by XRD, the presence of small Ga clusters is excluded by both EXAFS and XANES
since no first shell Ga-Ga bonds are detected. However, EXAFS analysis of the second coordination shell
around Ga clearly provides evidence for the presence of one highly strained +4% Ga-Ga pair and five Ga-Fe
pairs, among the six crystallographically equivalent 001 atomic pairs. This conclusion supports recent total
energy calculations that assign the large magnetostriction in these alloys to the strain caused by the rotation of
the magnetization in the vicinity of such defects.

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