
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

M. Litschauer, M.-A. Néouze:
"Entrapment of an ionic liquid in a metallic silver matrix through precipitation";
Poster: 6th international conference on inorganic materials, Dresden; 2008-09-28 - 2008-09-30; in: "Delegate Manual", (2008), P3-16.

English abstract:
Ionic liquids (IL) are a relatively new class of compounds, which attracts intensive interest in many different applications as presenting very uncommon properties in terms of polarity, solubility, electrochemistry etc. Especially IL based on imidazolium salts drove the attention of the electrochemistry community.1 One of the numerous features of IL is their suitability for electrochemical deposition; they are an environmentally friendly alternative for silver electrodeposition.2 This is directly linked to the synergetic effect consecutive to the association of ionic liquids with metals.3,4
Consequently a challenge concerns the study of the possible formation of a metal-ionic liquid composite adapting the method developed by Avnir and co-workers5,6 for organic molecules entrapment within metal matrixes. This could be a unique way to investigate further the formation mechanism of the metal-organic compounds as well as it could be a new door to many other applications linked to the ionic liquids characteristics.
The presented first results are indicating the feasibility of the entrapment.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.