
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

H.L. Singh, D. Gracanin, K. Matkovic:
"A Load Simulation and Metrics Framework for Distributed Virtual Reality";
Poster: IEEE Virtual Reality, Reno NV USA; 08.03.2008 - 12.03.2008; in: "Poster Proceedings of Virtual Reality 2008", (2008), S. 287 - 288.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We describe a simple load-measure-model method for analyzing the scalability of Distributed Virtual Environments (DVEs). We use a load simulator and three metrics to measure a DVE´s engine with varying numbers of simulated users. Our load simulator logs in as a remote client and plays according to how users played during the conducted user study. Two quality of virtuality metrics, fidelity and consistency, describe the user´s experience in the DVE. One engine performance metric provides the cycle time of the engine´s primary loop. Simulation results (up to 420 users) are discussed.

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