

G. Sangiovanni, O. Gunnarsson:
"Electron-phonon interaction in strongly correlated electron systems: relevance of antiferromagnetic correlations.";
J. of Phys.: Conf. Series, 108 (2008), 012012; S. 012012-1 - 012012-9.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The interplay between electron-phonon interaction and strong electronic correlation is analyzed by means of Dynamical Mean Field Theory. Suppressing all antiferromagnetic correlations, the electron-phonon interaction is found to be strongly suppressed by Coulomb repulsion. In particular, close to the Mott transition at half-filling the electron-phonon interaction has very little effect on quasiparticles: In fact it is possible to describe the low-energy physics in terms of an effective Hubbard model with a slightly renormalized repulsive coupling. The situation changes completely if antiferromagnetic correlations are included: Electron-phonon interaction has a strong effect on the electronic self-energy even for large values of the Coulomb repulsion. Phonon-induced modifications of electronic properties like, e.g. photoemission spectra, are therefore expected to be more pronounced in underdoped cuprates where antiferromagnetic correlations are stronger than in overdoped.

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