
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

C. Becker, H. Kulovits, A. Rauber, H. Hofman:
"Plato: a service-oriented decision support system for preservation planning";
Talk: 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries (JCDL 2008), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 2008-06-16 - 2008-06-20; in: "Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries", ACM, New York (2008), ISBN: 978-1-59593-998-2; 367 - 370.

English abstract:
The fast changes of technologies in today's information landscape have considerably shortened the lifespan of digital objects. Digital preservation has become a pressing challenge. Different strategies such as migration and emulation have been proposed; however, the decision for a specific tool e.g. for format migration or an emulator is very complex. The process of evaluating potential solutions against specific requirements and building a plan for preserving a given set of objects is called preservation planning. So far, it is a mainly manual, sometimes ad-hoc process with little or no tool support. This paper presents a service-oriented architecture and decision support tool that implements a solid preservation planning process and integrates services for content characterisation, preservation action and automatic object comparison to provide maximum support for preservation planning endeavours.

decision support system, digital preservation, preservation planning, service oriented architecture

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