

R. Viennois, D. Ravot, F. Terki, S. Charar, P. Haen, S. Paschen, F. Steglich:
"Kondo effect, crystalline electric fieldsnext term and itinerant magnetism in antimony-based filled skutterudites";
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-274 (2004), S. e113 - e114.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In CeFe4Sb12, itinerant paramagnetism from iron and localized paramagnetism of cerium coexist. For the cerium contribution to the electrical resistivity ρCe(T), magnetic susceptibility χCe(T) and heat capacity ΔCP(T), we find a maximum at around 130 K. Below 2 K, non-Fermi liquid behaviour is evidenced from our heat capacity measurements on CeFe4Sb12. The invariance of the maximum to ρCe(T) upon substituting La for Ce indicates that the crystalline electric fields splitting (ΔCEF) has to be considered in addition to the Kondo effect with high Kondo temperature TK and ΔCEF/TK≈5.

Skutterudites; Crystalline electric fields; Kondo holes; Non-Fermi liquid

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