

A. Daskalova, W. Husinsky, S. Bashir:
"Comparative SIMS and US-LSNMS analysis of Cu/Ti multilayer thin films";
Proc. SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 7027 (2008), 702706; S. 1 - 8.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Sputtering of Cu/Ti layers was performed by Ar+ions. Analysis of the atomic and molecular composition of the sputtered
plume was performed by means of Ultra-short Laser Neutral Mass Spectrometry (US-LSNMS) and Secondary Ion Mass
Spectrometry (SIMS). Several ionic masses were observed and systematically studied with respect to the exposure time,
laser fluence and target composition. The obtained data for complex layers indicate generally a good agreement between
SNMS and SIMS. SIMS is more sensitive for many elements however the mass interferences can limit the analytical
applicability. US-LSNMS mass spectra of Cu(Ti) sample have been acquired for different exposure times. In order to
determine the effect of different laser ionization energies over the mass distribution of the elements, mass spectra of
Cu(Ti) multilayers at several laser ionization energies were acquired. The elements interdiffusion was analyzed also by
US-LSNMS, demonstrating the sensitivity, the limits and the future potential of the SNMS method for material

ToF-SIMS and US-LSNMS mass spectrometry, ultra-short laser ablation, multilayers

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