
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

W. Schönbäck:
"Economic aspects of public space in cities";
in: "Sustainable Spatial Development of towns and Cities. Thematic conference Proceedings - Volume 1", herausgegeben von: Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia; Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2008, S. 126 - 136.

Kurzfassung englisch:
t is shown that, under different conditions, public space in cities can be an individual good, a club collective good, a common good (quasi-collective good) or a pure collective good. Each part of the seeming homogeneous public space belongs always to one of these four categories of good types. This inner differentiation becomes recognisable only through attention to the two most important economic categories of all: the degree of scarcity of the good desired (resulting in different degrees of negative effect of the approach of a new user to the users already present) on the one hand, and the type of availability of this good (individual or collective). Instruments to influence the demand for and the provision of public space are studied.

urban planning; urban economics

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