
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Mahdavi, K. Orehounig:
"Building Energy Use Reduction via intelligent passive cooling";
Talk: IEWT 2009 - 6.Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien - Energie, Wirtschaft und technologischer Fortschritt in Zeiten hoher Energiepreise, Wien, technische Universität; 2009-02-11 - 2009-02-13; in: "IEWT 2009 - Energie, Wirtschaft und technologischer Fortschritt in Zeiten hoher Energiepreise", G. Brauner et al. (ed.); (2009).

English abstract:
Higher occupants' expectations in view of thermal conditions in buildings, together with the
implications of urban heat island and climate change effects, have lead to an increase in
cooling energy expenditures in many countries. To effectively address the environmental and
economic ramifications of this trend in buildings, intelligent cooling strategies are needed
based on renewable energy sources and passive methods. In the present paper, we explore
the potential of an intelligent passive cooling strategy for buildings that utilizes a simulationassisted
systems control approach. Thereby, the control decisions are made in that presently
available (conceivable) control options are virtually projected onto a future time step.
Subsequently, the respective consequences (values of pertinent performance indicators) are
predicted, compared, and ranked.

passive cooling, simulation-based control, virtual experiments, overheating

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.