A. Bartsch, M. Gude, S. Gurney:
"Quantifying sediment transport processes in periglacial mountain environments at a catchment scale using geomorphic process units";
Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography,
S. 1
- 9.
Kurzfassung englisch:
The research record on the quantification of sediment
transport processes in periglacial mountain environments
in Scandinavia dates back to the 1950s. A wide range of measurements
is available, especially from the Kärkevagge region of
northern Sweden. Within this paper satellite image analysis and
tools provided by geographic information systems (GIS) are exploited
in order to extend and improve this research and to complement
geophysical methods. The processes of interest include
mass movements such as solifluction, slope wash, dirty avalanches
and rock- and boulder falls. Geomorphic process units
have been derived in order to allow quantification via GIS techniques
at a catchment scale. Mass movement rates based on existing
field measurements are employed in the budget calculations.
In the Kärkevagge catchment, 80% of the area can be identified
either as a source area for sediments or as a zone where sediments
are deposited. The overall budget for the slopes beneath
the rockwalls in the Kärkevagge is approximately 680 ta^-1
whilst about 150 ta^-1 are transported into the fluvial system.
periglacial environment, mass movements, geographic information system
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