
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Jüngel:
"Modeling and simulation of electron transport and heating in semiconductor devices and circuits";
Keynote Lecture: Mathmod Vienna 09, Wien (invited); 2009-02-11 - 2009-02-13; in: "Proceedings Mathmod Vienna 09", ARGESIM, Nr. 35 (2009), ISBN: 978-3-901608-34-6; 17 pages.

English abstract:
In this review, thermal effects in semiconductor devices and electric circuits are
modeled and numerically simulated. The device heating is due to the particle temperatures,
recombination effects, and the thermal power from the companion thermal network. The complete
model consists of the energy-transport equations for the charge carriers and the particle
temperatures in the semiconductor device, together with a heat equation for the lattice temperature;
the electric network equations; and the thermal network describing the heat evolution in
the circuit elements. The derivation of the energy-transport equations from the semiconductor
Boltzmann equation is sketched, and the submodels and their couplings are introduced. The
heating effects are illustrated by several numerical examples.

German abstract:
Siehe englisches Abstract.

Semiconductor devices; electric circuits; finite-element methods

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.