
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Adalan, T. Gigl, M. Fischer, K. Witrisal:
"A Modular Impulse Radio Ultra-wideband Research&Development Platform for IEEE802.15.4a";
Vortrag: European Microwave Week (EUMW), Rome, Italy; 28.09.2009 - 29.09.2009; in: "Proceedings Wireless Technology, 2009. EuWiT 2009. European Conference on", (2009), ISBN: 978-1-4244-4721-3; S. 116 - 119.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In this paper we present a modular ultra-wideband
research and development platform for IEEE 802.15.4a. Besides
standard conform operation, this platform also allows operation
in a large variety of applications as well as easy adaptation to
different frequency bands and coding schemes while common
testbeds are mostly restricted to one application and frequency
In this contribution, the overall design concept as well as the
architecture of each module of our platform is described in detail
and measurement results are shown.

UWB, IEEE 802.15.4a, testbed

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