
Publications in Scientific Journals:

I. Mazets, H.-J. Schmiedmayer:
"Restoring integrability in one-dimensional quantum gases by two-particle correlations";
Physical Review A, 79 (2009), 061603(R); 061603-1 - 061603-4.

English abstract:
We show that thermalization and the breakdown of integrability in the one-dimensional Lieb-Liniger model caused by local three-body elastic interactions is suppressed by pairwise quantum correlations when approaching the strongly correlated regime. If the relative momentum k is small compared to the two-body coupling constant c the three-particle scattering state is suppressed by a factor of (k/c)12. This demonstrates that in one-dimensional quantum systems it is not the freeze out of two body collisions but the strong quantum correlations which ensures integrability.

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