
Publications in Scientific Journals:

D. Petrosyan, G. Bensky, G. Kurizki, I. Mazets, J. Majer, H.-J. Schmiedmayer:
"Reversible state transfer between superconducting qubits and atomic ensembles";
Physical Review A, 79 (2009), 040304(R); 040304-1 - 040304-4.

English abstract:
We examine the possibility of coherent reversible information transfer between solid-state superconducting qubits and ensembles of ultracold atoms. Strong coupling between these systems is mediated by a microwave transmission line resonator that interacts near resonantly with the atoms via their optically excited Rydberg states. The solid-state qubits can then be used to implement rapid quantum logic gates, while collective metastable states of the atoms can be employed for long-term storage and optical readout of quantum information.

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