

I. Gebeshuber, D. Holzer, R. Groschke, F. Aumayr, H. Störi:
"Development of an atomic force microscope closed fluid cell for tribological investigations of large samples in chemically aggressive environments";
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J - Journal of Engineering Tribology, 223 (2009), S. 759 - 765.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Many atomic force microscopes (AFM) are nowadays equipped with closed fluid cells.
Most of these closed fluid cells have small volume, limiting the maximum sample size, and, furthermore, do not allow for investigations in chemically aggressive environments such as solvents. The closed fluid cell for MFP-3D, the atomic force microscope from Asylum Research, Santa Barbara, CA, has a glass base and is mainly intended for investigations of flat transparent biological samples.
Starting from the MFP-3D closed fluid cell, a fluid cell tailored for investigations in tribologically relevant environments, e.g. at extreme mechanical and chemical conditions which may vary with time, was developed. Samples of various shapes and sizes can thus be investigated in controlled environments, be they fluid (e.g. solvents) or gaseous (e.g. corrosive gases).
First results of AFM nanotribology experiments using this fluid cell are presented. Among the systems of interest are additives diluted in solvents adsorbing to surfaces and spreading and persistence of ionic liquids on tribologically stressed surfaces.


atomic force microscopy in solvents, atomic force microscopy closed fluid cell, chemically aggressive conditions, nanotribology

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