
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

C. Koranteng, A. Mahdavi, K. Orehounig, C. Pröglhöf:
"Thermal Performance of office buildings in Ghana";
Vortrag: Building Simulation 2009, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow; 27.07.2009 - 30.07.2009; in: "Building Simulation 2009", L.B. McElroy, J.S. Turley (Hrg.); (2009), 7 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Using a simulation application and a sample of five
existing office buildings, we parametrically explored
building features and measures that could improve
the thermal performance of office buildings in
Kumasi, Ghana. To improve the reliability of the
simulation results, the simulation models were
calibrated using long-term continuous measurements
on environmental conditions (air temperature,
relative humidity) inside and in the immediate
vicinity of the selected objects. The simulation
results demonstrate that changes in the building
fabric (e.g. better window constructions) and controls
(e.g. the use of natural ventilation) can improve the
buildings' energy performance. Specifically, certain
combinations of improvement measures (such as
better windows, natural ventilation, and efficient
electrical lighting) could be shown to significantly
reduce cooling loads (20% to 35% depending on the

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