
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

J. Kellner, H. Schweinzer:
"Piezoceramic Ultrasound Transducer Enabling Broadband Trasmission for 3D Scene Analysis in Air";
Vortrag: Sensor+Test Conference, Nürnberg, Deutschland; 26.05.2009 - 28.05.2009; in: "Proceedings Sensor 2009", Vol. 1 (2009), S. 53 - 58.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Frequency-modulated ultrasound signals like chirp-signals show variations in phase at the different transmission angles. Analyzing the phase of ultrasound chirp-echoes enables to accurately determine distance and polar angle to the point of reflection. Though single piezoceramic ultrasound transducers have a small bandwidth, an ultrasound transducer made of a combination of piezoceramic elements with different resonance frequencies as presented in this work enables transmission of braoadband chirpsignals and shows the required rotational symmetry.

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