
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

A. Jüngel:
"Quantum semiconductor device simulations";
Keynote Lecture: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Transport and Applications in Nanophysics, Aalborg; 2009-08-10 - 2009-08-13.

English abstract:
Quantum hydrodynamic and quantum diffusion equations allow for the
macroscopic modeling of semiconductor devices and may be computationally
cheap alternatives to Schroedinger-type or kinetic models. In this
talk, the derivation of macroscopic quantum models from the
Wigner-BGK equation via moment methods and quantum entropy maximization
is reviewed. Furthermore, some analytical results and numerical
simulations of simple resonant tunneling diodes are presented.

German abstract:
Siehe englisches Abstract.

Quantum diffusion; quantum transistor; tunneling diode

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.