

B. Haselsberger, S. Fabbro:
"Spatial Planning Harmonisation as a Condition for Trans-National Cooperation. The Case of the Alpine-Adriatic Area";
European Planning Studies, Volume 17 (9) (2009), S. 1335 - 1356.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This paper explores a possible direction for enabling trans-national cooperation in Europe through forms of spatial planning harmonisation. The specific case considered is that of the trans-national border area located in the wider Alpine-Adriatic context, comprising Carinthia (Austria), Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) and Slovenia. Starting from a general analysis of spatial planning systems and identification of operational difficulties which may emerge within any one Member State's planning system-and which then may be compounded in a trans-national context-the paper considers the establishment of a "shared knowledge base" as well as a "shared vision" between the Member States as preconditions to fostering trans-national cooperation.

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