
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

Van An Du, U. Schubert:
"Synthesis Of Transition Metal Silyl Complexes And Application For Transition Metal Silicide Nanoparticles";
Poster: 13. Österreichische Chemietage, Wien; 24.08.2009 - 27.08.2009; in: "13. Österreichische Chemietage", (2009), ISBN: 978-3-900554-66-8; 1 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Current work is focused on the synthesis of transition metal carbonyl silyl complexes, which contain the required metal-silicon bond for formation of transition metal silicide nanoparticles. Interesting properties for catalytic applications are expected. Complexes with different ligands and various groups on Si were prepared to investigate their decomposition behaviour which should lead to transition metal silicide particles. Subsequent pyrolysis of the compounds at moderate temperatures allows for an easy removal of the carbonyl ligands and other organic ligands which are coordinated to the transition metal. For example, exciting gas phase reactions are taking place during pyrolysis of the precursor Fe(CO)4(SiCl3)2, leading to Fe2(CO)6(SiCl2)3. Starting from the work of Zybill et al. a theoretical reevaluation of possible mechanistic pathways to the dimer and the following formation of FeSi nanoparticles based on DFT was carried out.

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