
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Mukhtar, A. Limbeck:
"Slurry sampling ICP-AES procedure for fast and accurate measurement of crustal elements in airborne particulate matter";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2008, Vienna; 11-16-2008 - 11-18-2008; in: "Junior Scientists Conference 2008 Proceedings", (2008), ISBN: 978-3-200-01612-5; 261 - 262.

English abstract:
Slurry sampling ICP-AES method for fast and accurate determination of crustal elements (Ca, Si, Fe, Mg, Ti, Al) in airborne particulate matter is presented. Decomposition and mineralization of the filter material including deposited
particulate matter was obtained by treatment of the samples with a mixture of nitric acid and perchloric acid. The prepared slurry solutions were comprised of the dissolved part of the sample as well as the suspended insoluble material (such as Si oxides), and were measured by ICP-AES using La as internal standard. Quantification was performed using aqueous standards. Analysis of the certified reference material 2709® San Joaquin soil) revealed a good agreement for the elements Ca, Mg, Fe and T.
The contents of Al and Si were underestimated which might be due to loss of volatile species during sample preparation and/or influences of the matrix.

slurry sampling, airborne particulate matter, mineral components

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.