
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

M. Scholz-Wäckerle:
"Reasons for Meso-Founded Democracy Design";
Talk: EAEPE 2008, Rom (invited); 2008-11-06 - 2008-11-08.

English abstract:
The reader is invited to a condensed journey of the evolution of democracy from classic
macro models starting with Ancient Athens, where the public is viewed as one single entity
with on single preference, to 20th century micro models, where a social choice is built on the
aggregation of individual preferences, towards a so-called meso conception of democracy,
where new political and economic players enter the political sphere apart from the party
system. Democracy is obviously the best governmental practice human-beings developed;
nevertheless it finds theoretical as well as practical boundaries due to new social, economic
and political circumstances in a globalised world. Therefore this paper will on the one hand
focus on these democratic boundaries and on the other hand will provide possible
improvements to overcome these boundaries.

Democracy, Micro-Meso-Macro, e-Democracy

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.