

D. P. Rojas, J.I. Espeso, J. Fernandez Rodriguez, J.C. Gómez Sal, J. Sanchez Marcos, H. Müller:
"First order ferromagnetic transition in binary CeIn2";
Physical Review B, 80 (2009), S. 184413-1 - 184413-4.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Measurements of the magnetic, thermal, and transport properties of the CeIn2 binary alloy are consistent with a paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition at TC=22 K. A discontinuity in the magnetic entropy, electrical resistivity and thermal expansion, and a huge anomaly in the specific heat of 113 J/mol K cmag =103 J /mol K , at the magnetic transition, are observed. In addition, the Arrott plots show negative slope at low fields, the field-cooling and field-warming magnetization present irreversibility, and both the susceptibility and the resistivity evidence a small thermal hysteresis of 0.05 K. Moreover, the values of the entropy change calculated from the magnetization data using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation are in good agreement with those directly obtained from the specific-heat data. The joint analysis of all these results provides evidence for the first order character of this magnetic transition in CeIn2.

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