

N. Mehmood, G. Vlasak, F. Kubel, R. Sato Turtelli, R. Grössinger, M. Kriegisch, H. Sassik, P. Svec:
"Magnetostriction of Rapidly Quenched Fe-X (X = Al, Ga) Ribbons as Function of the Quenching Rate";
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45 (2009), 10; S. 4128 - 4131.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In order to investigate the effect of the quenching rate on the magnetostriction of Fe�� Ga alloy, a set of ribbons was prepared
by varying the wheel velocities from 7.5 up to 25 m/s. Additionally Fe�� Al , Fe�� Al and Fe Al ribbons were prepared under similar
conditions. The microstructure shows generally columnar particles and (100) texture perpendicular to the surface of the ribbons.
For Fe-Al ribbons, the lattice constant and magnetostriction (which shows volume magnetostriction effect for the higher Al concentrations)increase and saturation magnetization decreases with Al content. However, the average grains size and the lattice constants of Fe�� Ga and Fe-Al alloys, show large fluctuations with the wheel velocity. For Fe�� Ga , ribbons the magnetostriction values and its character with applied field depend strongly on the quenching rate. The dependence of the longitudinal magnetostriction with wheel speed exhibits a maximum of about 116 ppm at 15 m/s, which is related to the higher degree of (100) texture.

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