Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):
K. Fröschl, R. Baumgartner, N. Walchhofer, M. Hronsky, M. Pöttler:
"Semantic Online Tourism Market Monitoring";
Vortrag: 17th ENTER eTourism Conference,
Lugano, Switzerland;
- 12.02.2010; in: "Proceedings of the International Conference in Lugano",
Springer Wien/New York,
ISBN: 9783211994061;
S. 629
- 640.
Kurzfassung englisch:
SEMAMO (SEmantic MArket MOnitoring) is a research project seeking to make use of the increasingly growing information available at Web-based sales and marketing channels for continuous market research. Assuming that online channels indeed mirror salient market developments faithfully, SEMAMO implements a nearly fully automatic adaptive data capture and analysis process delivering customer-defined market reports on demand. The paper describes the SEMAMO concept and exemplifies the functionality and utility of the approach in the domain of e-tourism, with a focus on the type of reports and visualisations the prototype, albeit still being under development, can deliver based on real-world data.
market research, online market intelligence, semantic technologies, e-tourism
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