
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Stadler, J. Brenner, M. Hofer, J. Wosik, F. Franek:
"Experimental Investigation Of The Influence Of Oil Change In A Wet Clutch System";
Talk: ÖTG-Symposium 2009, Waidhofen/Ybbs, NÖ; 2009-11-26; in: "Symposium 2009 - Lebensdauer und Energieeffizienz: Herausforderungen im Maschninenbau und in der Schmierungstechnik", ÖTG, (2009), ISBN: 978-3-901657-34-4; 27 - 38.

English abstract:
Wet clutch systems are used in automotive drive trains for power or torque transmission, e.g., in transfer gear boxes that are to split the incoming torque optionally between the front and the back drive axle. Tribosystems which are usually in the same aggregate as the wet clutch include gears or chain-chain wheel systems and bearings.

When the clutch is engaged, torque is transferred by the frictional forces in the sliding interfaces in the clutch. The frictional behaviour of the clutch is of great importance with regard to clutch performance [1]. Over service life, parameters of wet clutch systems change, such as wear of surfaces, dispersion of particles by
additives, and alteration of the lubricant. As a consequence, the friction behaviour of such clutch systems may change and - to a certain extent - instability of friction processes is facilitated, which is extremely unwanted if clutch systems show stick-slip phenomena.

Though a lot of efforts haven been undertaken in order to extend the knowledge about the influences due to different parameters, the overall influence of oil alteration on the clutch systems and the relevance for stick-slipping is not yet sufficiently clarified.

Related Projects:
Project Head Friedrich Franek:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.