
Bücher und Buch-Herausgaben:

Betül Bretschneider:
"win wi[e]n: Blockentwicklung Erdgeschosszone";
Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Wien, 2008, ISBN kart.; 163 S.

Kurzfassung deutsch:
Optimierung des Blocksanierungsprogramms zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung der Erdgeschosszone und der (halb-)öffentlichen Räume
Entwicklung einer aufgewerteten Erdgeschosszone im Rahmen des Wiener Blocksanierungsprogramms, anhand eines aktuellen Fallbeispiels "Blocksanierung im Stuwerviertel"-Wien: Maßnahmen zu einer nachhaltigen Umstrukturierung eines gründerzeitlichen Baublockes zusammen mit den Straßenräumen, Höfen und sonstigen offenen Flächen.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The block renewal program - as urban renewal program - is a convenient model instigated by the housing renewal authorities in Vienna because it also targets the improvement of the ground floor zone with the following aims:
Opening the block courtyards of historical urban fabric to create accessible green spaces
Creating common spaces between the building blocks, green parks and street spaces for different social groups of a urban renewal area
Implementation of a block renewal management, coordinating stake holders, tenants, retail outlets and service facilities
Redefinition of the density of urban fabric on the basis of the new master plans for the urban renewal area.
Although the urban renewal program is geared towards a comprehensive urban revitalization of the whole neighborhood, its implementation has fallen short of target particularly with regard to ground floor zones and open spaces.
In the context of the research project, the urban block renewal program was analyzed as well as the barriers and obstacles in planning processes to develop new methods and strategies, to help the program achieve its aims.
A recent block renewal zone (Stuwerviertel in Vienna) has been analyzed in a simulation and implementation model to test the feasibility of the planning solutions and methods of the research project, as well as to confirm the transferability of these, on the basis of:
Interviews with the planning, building and controlling authorities for urban renewal, urban development, building legislation, urban traffic and local organizations, residents, tenants, investors and stake-holders
Case studies of European practice in urban renewal programs
Evaluation of the urban block renewal program in Vienna and the building legislation, planning policy and local financial support programs
Thematically related studies and events on block renewal programs, renovation, participation, local district management
a participatory project for Max-Winter-Place in Stuwerviertel in Vienna.

Urban regeneration, Stadterneuerung, öffentlicher Raum, urbaner Verkeht, urbane Grünraumplanung

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.