
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

Ch. Lanz, G. Tragler:
"Passenger oriented airport operations management";
Talk: 23rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIII), Bonn (invited); 2009-07-05 - 2009-07-08.

English abstract:
We present results from a project on "Passenger Oriented Airport
Operations Management' which we pursue in cooperation with the
Vienna International Airport, the Austrian Airlines AG, and three
other associate partners. We aim to optimize the current situation
at the airport for all involved parties including passengers and all
companies doing business. Using current and predicted future data
we construct a model of the airport and its passengers and we apply
various optimisation algorithms taking into account the many
restrictions of safe and law-abiding airport operations.

Related Projects:
Project Head Gernot Tragler:
Optimale Segregation am Wohnungsmarkt

Project Head Gernot Tragler:
Passagierzentriertes Airport Operations Management - Analyse der Effizienzgewinne durch kooperative Entscheidungsstrategien

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.