
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

C. Sterba, T. Grechenig:
"Discrepancies between expectation and evaluation results of IS shared services";
Talk: The 14th conference of AIM (Association Information and Management), Marrakech, Morocco; 06-10-2009 - 06-12-2009; in: "Proceedings of the AIM 2009", (2009), 27 - 29.

English abstract:
The paper deals with the evaluation of shared services
for information systems as an approachfor optimizing
IS costs. The consolidation of IS processes and re-
sources in a shared service centre can be useful if
independent IS departments with redundant services
exist after a merger, in conglomerates or in other
kinds of co-operation.
Six case studies are presented in the paper. Thecase
studies are characterized bya difference between the
management expectations before start of shared ser-
vice evaluationand the resultsafter investigation. The
reasons for the discrepancies give an input under
which circumstances shared service considerations
can succeed and when they possibly fail. The outcome
leads to corresponding recommendations.
The paper touches the change of management position
to the question of core business, the synergy pyramid
explaining when sufficient cost reduction can be ex-
pected, the over-and underestimating of implementa-
tion costs and the involvement of staff in the decision

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.