
Scientific Reports:

J. Bröthaler, A. Resch:
"Distribution of Competencies in relation to Regional Development Policies in the Member States of the European Union - Country Report Austria";
Report for ISMERI Europe; 2009; 75 pages.

English abstract:
The project is concerned with the distribution of competencies in the field of regional development Policies in the member states of the European Union. The general objective of the study is to analyse the main trends in decentralisation of national development policy and the possible contribution of structural funds to this process. The analysis requires the reconstruction of regional and local public finance data in a way which is comparable with the system of classification adopted by Structural Funds. The country analysis for Austria focuses on public expenditure for development (by administrative levels, functions, economic categories and territories).

German abstract:
Das Ziel des Gesamtprojektes ist, die Entwicklungstrends im Bereich der regional Entwicklungspolitik und den Beitrag der europäischen Strukturfonds in diesem Prozess für die EU-Staaten empirisch zu untersuchen. Der nationale Beitrag für Österreich konzentriert sich auf die öffentlichen Ausgaben für regionale Entwicklung (nach verschiedenen Ebenen des Staates, Aufgabenbereichen, ökonomischen Kategorien auf Bundesländerebene).

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.