
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

J. Bröthaler, A. Resch:
"Expenditure for Regional Development - Country Analysis for Austria";
Talk: Seminar on the Distribution of Competences in relation to Regional Development Policies in the Member States of the European Union (ISMERI/Europe), Rom; 2009-05-08.

English abstract:
Expenditure for Regional Development - Country Analysis for Austria:
public sector (administrative levels and competences) in Austria
Definition and empirical data for expenditure on regional development

German abstract:
Ausgaben für regionale Entwicklung - Länderanalyse Österreich:
Abgrenzung des öffentlichen Sektors in Österreich (administrative Ebenen und Kompetenzen);
Definition und empirische Datengrundlagen für öffentliche Ausgaben zur Regionalen Entwicklung

Regional Development, Structural Funds, Public Expenditure

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.