
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Bachinger, G. Kickelbick:
"Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Anatase Nanoparticles";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Vienna; 2010-04-07 - 2010-04-09; in: "Proceedings", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-200-01797-9; 225 - 226.

English abstract:
Particle-stabilized emulsions are widely used in many technological applications. Here we describe the preparation and stability of emulsions stabilized by sol-gel synthesized anatase nanoparticles. The influence of different parameters, such as pH, salt concentration, and contact angle, on the efficiency of these particles in stabilizing emulsions was investigated. Subsequently, the anisotropic environment was used for the synthesis of so called 'Janus' nanoparticles.

Related Projects:
Project Head Guido Kickelbick:
Chemisch massgeschneiderte Grenzflächen in Nanokompositen

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.