
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Treiber, F. Skopik, D. Schall, S. Dustdar, S. Haslinger:
"Context-aware Campaigns in Social Networks";
Vortrag: The Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2010), Barcelona, Spain; 09.05.2010 - 15.05.2010; in: "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2010)", G. Ortiz Bellot, H. Sasaki, M. Ehmann, C. Dini (Hrg.); IEEE Computer Society, (2010), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4022-1; S. 61 - 66.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Services have become increasingly important in
today´s Web-based applications. Users can access services
in an anytime, anywhere manner using a wide variety of
mobile devices. Mobile services are a key driver in today´s
telecommunication market, even though the potential of mobile
services has not been fully exploited in existing telecommunication
systems. A main driver in these markets are contextaware
services to build intuitive services for mobile handsets.
One success factor is to support a broad range of handsets
available on the market and making the services contextaware
by obtaining contextual information. Context may be
derived from information obtained from the handset - most
prominently location information. In this work, we present
a mobile marketing platform enabling the advertisement of
services in mobile markets. Advertisements and offerings need
to be customized based on user preferences. We propose a
recommendation approach of services based on social-network
properties and human provided services. Our contributions are
the Woodapples platform offering a set of APIs for creating
mobile campaigns and an approach for managing social and
service network structures in a unified manner

Location-based services, context awareness, data correlation, mobile handsets, collaboration, trust, human provided services

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Projektleitung Schahram Dustdar:

Projektleitung Schahram Dustdar:

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