Contributions to Proceedings:
P. Langer, M. Wimmer, G. Kappel:
"Model-to-Model Transformations By Demonstration";
in: "Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT 2010)",
LNCS 6142,
ISBN: 978-3-642-13687-0,
- 167.
English abstract:
During the last decade several approaches have been proposed for easing the burden of writing model transformation rules manually. Among them are Model Transformation By-Demonstration (MTBD) approaches which record actions performed on example models to derive general operations. A current restriction of MTBD is that until now they are only available for in-place transformations, but not for model-to-model (M2M) transformations.
In this paper, we extend our MTBD approach, which is designed for in-place transformations, to also support M2M transformations. In particular, we propose to demonstrate each transformation rule by modeling a source model fragment and a corresponding target model fragment. From these example pairs, the applied edit operations are computed which are input for a semi-automatic process for deriving the general transformation rules. For showing the applicability of the approach, we developed an Eclipse-based prototype supporting the generation of ATL code out of EMF-based example models.
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Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.