
Contributions to Proceedings:

I. Brandic, V. Emeakaroha, M. Maurer, S. Dustdar:
"Including Energy Efficiency into Self-adaptable Cloud Services";
in: "Proceedings of the COST Action IC0804 on Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems 1st Year", J. Pierson, H. Hlavacs (ed.); COST Office, 2010, (invited), ISBN: 978-2-917490-10-5, 84 - 87.

English abstract:
Nowadays, novel computing paradigms as for example
Cloud Computing are gaining more and more on importance.
In case of Cloud Computing users pay for the usage of the
computing power provided as a service. Beforehand they can
negotiate specific functional and non-functional requirements
relevant for the application execution. However, providing computing
power as a service bears different research challenges. On
one hand dynamic, versatile, and adaptable services are required,
which can cope with system failures and environmental changes.
On the other hand, energy consumption should be minimized. In
this paper we present the first results in establishing adaptable,
versatile, and dynamic services considering negotiation bootstrapping
and service mediation achieved in context of the Foundations
of Self-Governing ICT Infrastructures (FoSII) project.We discuss
novel meta-negotiation and SLA mapping solutions for Cloud
services bridging the gap between current QoS models and Cloud
middleware and representing important prerequisites for the
establishment of autonomic Cloud services.

Cloud Computing; SLA management; autonomic computing

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.