
Scientific Reports:

K. Prettner, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz:
"Demographic Change in Models of Endogenous Economic Growth. A Survey.";
Report for Vienna Institute of Demography; Report No. VID Working Paper 8, 2010; 20 pages.

English abstract:
The purpose of this article is to identify the role of population size, population growth and
population ageing in models of endogenous economic growth. While in exogenous growth
models demographic variables are linked to economic prosperity mainly via the population
size, the structure of the workforce, and the capital intensity of workers, endogenous growth
models and their successors also allow for interrelationships between demography and
technological change. However, most of the existing literature considers only the
interrelationships based on population size and its growth rate and does not explicitly account
for population ageing. The aim of this paper is (a) to review the role of population size and
population growth in the most commonly used economic growth models (with a focus on
endogenous economic growth models), (b) discuss models that also allow for population
ageing, and (c) sketch out the policy implications of the most commonly used endogenous
growth models and compare them to each other.

Demographic change, endogenous R&D, economic growth

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.